Immunological Causes of Sterility

The human immune system is a truly complex structure that protects all of us from illness and infection. In some women, however, an immune system disorder can cause the embryo to be classified as a harmful intruder. This can lead to problems that complicate embryo implantation or even make it impossible. In some cases, this can even lead to repeated miscarriages.

But how can we know whether a woman’s body, and her immune system, are “baby friendly?”

Getting a complete picture of the state of the immune system requires a proven, specialized diagnostics procedure that can only be completed at a few fertility centers.

The following analyses provide a good picture of the immune system:

  • Identification of natural killer cells in the blood
  • Identification of natural killer cells in the endometrium (uNK cells)
  • Coagulation analyses (Thrombophilia screening)
  • Genetic analyses of man and woman
  • Identification of KIR (Killer cell immunoglobulin like receptor) antigens = KIR typing
  • Identification of von antiphospholipid antibodies, etc.
  • Endometrium biopsy (endometrial scratching)
  • Lymphocyte differentiation = cellular immune status = immune status = immunophenotyping /immunophenotype = Reproductive Immunophenotype = cellular immunodifferentiation
  • Cytotoxicity test of the natural killer cells NK cell test, functional cytotoxicity test = NK- cytotoxicity test
  • Determination of the Th1/Th2 Index
  • Determination of the intracellular cytokines or intracellular cytokine determination in accordance with the TH1/TH2 model
  • Determination of the T4/T8 ratio
  • Determination of the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) of man and woman
  • LAD = Lymphocyte Antibody Detection Assay = cross-match test
  • Identification of paternal antibodies
  • Determination of antibody status of female patient (antibodies against hormones, thyroid, serotonin, ovary, egg cell envelope etc.)
  • Thyroid diagnostics
  • Clarification of gluten, lactose, and fructose intolerances
  • Identification of heat shock proteins
  • Clarification of possible infections syphilis, CMV, toxoplasmosis etc.
  • Determination of Homocystein
  • MTHFR Methylentetrahydrofolate-reductase clarification
  • Protein Z determination


The type of immunotherapy selected depends on the disorders determined in the special diagnostic procedures. The following types of immunotherapy have proven successful in the past in treating women suffering from unwanted childlessness:

  • Endometrial scratch
  • Intralipid therapy
  • Therapy with growth hormones
  • L-Arginin therapy
  • Therapy with immunoglobulin
  • Therapy with growth hormones G-CSF (Granocyte®)
  • Immunotherapy with TNF-a-receptor blocker (Enbrel) in off label use
  • Implantation flushing with HCG
  • Endometrium building flush with G-CSF in off label use
  • Cortisone therapy (Prednisolone or Dexamethasone) for chronic infections
  • Heparin therapy for coagulation disorders
  • Aspirin therapy for coagulation disorders
  • Metformin therapy
  • Antibiotics therapy for repeated chlamydia infection and positive heat shock protein
  • DHA therapy (fish oil, Vitamin B6, and Vitamin B12)
  • Reproductive immunophenotype = cellular immune differentiation